Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Still in the Womb

I just read an excerpt from an article by Malik Badri which conincides with my "favourite posting", O&G. Thought I'd share my thoughts which was actually his.

Look at your umbilicus. Remember what it once was?

Our plug. Our life support

We started in our mothers womb (Bless our mothers), connected to her for nutrients, waste dumping, oxygen, metabolic regulations. We were dependant, parasites living in our own cramped cozy world. While we were in the womb, we never knew what was out there. I suppose that's why we cry the time we come out, because we are scared and unfamiliar with this new life.

Now is not that different.

We still are in a womb. The world we live in is the uterus, the vessel, our body we live in is our placenta, connected by an invisible plug.

We are still dependant.

While we are here, we don't know what's in the next world when the plug is pulled. Then our vessels will be shed, useless, buried. Then we will journey to the next in which the outcome depends on what our lives before is like.

The moment we indulge and forget about Allah, He will make us forget about the next world and the purpose of life in this world we live in. Nauzubillah that does not happen to us.

Our plugs can be pulled at any time. When Khiamat (Judgement Day) comes, it will be like a uterine rupture only a zillion times worst..

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