Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Still On the Road

Breaks coming to an end.

I've been on the road almost all around Malaysia. With family, friends, mostly alone.

The beauty of Malaysia's ambitious skyscrapers, carpet emerald forests, limestones, and still more roads give me the much needed solace I need. Much needed reflection I desired. Not in the city though, which I so long to escape.

I take off lika bird, spreading wings free. Sometimes nostalgia accompanied me, a lot of times thoughts and sleep. Yes, I sleep along the way. Dreaming of what lies ahead. Dreaming of what I shall become.

And I wondered. What dreams am I trying to achieve with my constant wanderings? Am I on the right track? Or have I derailed?

It was only later near the end of this break I discovered another road I've been walking on. The road to discover my inner self, what my purpose in this world is. It's not that I didn't know, just that I have forgotten, derailed.

I get and got lost along the way. Both roads. I make wrong stops. Bust a tire or two. And things never get easy at times. The road can be harsh when it wants to be. But worst is always when I get lost. And I forget, that when I'm lost, I should refer to a map. Or better yet, ask for directions. 'He' provides good directions. It's a matter of whether we ask for it or not.

Don't be foolish. We need Guidance.

So where's the end?


We live to die. And live again. Another road awaits us after death.

This life/world/dream we live in is just a means to an end. Our end here.

I don't think it goes on forever. There will be a permanent stop. And by the time we do reach the End, have our journey prepared us enough to face what lies thereafter?

I'm exiting, only to enter a new broad highway. Again this will be a journey of a lifetime. Though how much time I have in my life is unknown. Lifetime is a misnomer. It sounds so long. It's not.

I won't be arrogant.

I'll seek Guidance and Directions along the way.

Because I wanna reach the end gloriously. Or die trying.

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